The COVID-19 emergency has brought fear and uncertainty both on the personal health front and on the stability of markets and companies. Today it is difficult to estimate the consequences, but governments are acting to limit the negative effects.
Panizzolo Recycling Systems communicates its closeness to all collaborators, employees, customers and suppliers. A recent article in Il Sole 24 ore underlines how the new coronavirus is paralyzing the world economy as only the 2007-2008 economic crisis had been able to do. If not even more.
Alongside the climate of general concern, however, some news of the past weeks speculated a new miracle at hand. Europe, which until recently seemed to focus on the health of the population only, is realizing that in the near future the effects could be those of a war economy. Therefore, extraordinary actions are needed to face extraordinary events.
After a first moment of tension linked to the crazy sale of securities, the intervention of states and central banks gave relief to European finance. Fundamental contributions were made by the ECB president with a bank credit plan for SMEs, while Brussels de facto suspended the Stability Pact for all European countries. Investors also liked the maneuver of the Italian government which, on Monday 16 March, allocated 25 billion euros with the Cura Italia Decree. Companies are thus suspended from tax compliance, payments from public administrations and other subsidies to employees. A cure-all for Piazza Affari, which is slowly rising.

But what will change for us?
The day will come when the health crisis will be over and slowly we should get up in a totally different economy, where logics that previously seemed indisputable have been disrupted.
In our sector, the most positive forecasts concern the business of services and raw materials. By aiming to maximize the enhancement of metals, they will be more likely to get up first and revive the Circular Economy with greater momentum. Governments are moving in that direction and Panizzolo Recycling Systems is also trying to do its part by offering high quality recycling packages that can better optimize companies’ investment. It is said that “it is getting darker before dawn.” Who knows, maybe we are on the eve of a new economic miracle?